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Extraordinary Sounds & Spirits Event


What’s a better combination than music and wine? Join Audio Video Design for our inaugural Boston Design Week event at M. Steinert & Sons at the Natick Mall on April 7, 2017 from 5 to 7 p.m. and find out! Play with the amazing Steinway Spirio™ piano and listen to the Steinway Lyngdorf S-Series Sound System. Sip a fine selection of wines, nibble delicious hors d’oeuvres and mingle with music lovers, design aficionados, wine connoisseurs and design industry professionals. Thank you to our media sponsor Boston Design Guide, a trusted and comprehensive resource guide featuring the “best of the best” in the home design industry.

The knowledgable staff from Audio Video Design and M. Steinert & Sons will be on hand to demonstrate the Spirio™ and the S-Series speakers. Learn about room correction and how the shape and dynamics of a space play a large part in what you actually hear in terms of echoes, reflections and absorption of sound.

We’ll also be giving away door prizes, including a set of speakers valued at more than $500.

Registration is required to attend through Eventbrite.

M. Steinert & Sons is located on the second floor of the Natick Mall near Neiman Marcus. 1245 Worcester Street, Natick, MA 01760.

Product Focus: Room Correction


Have you ever heard of room correction in reference to audio equipment? You might be surprised to learn that with most audio systems, more than half of the sound you hear doesn’t come from your speakers alone. The shape and dynamics of the room, including your furnishings, play a big part of what you do hear in terms of echoes, reflections and absorption of sound. In the past that meant placing your speakers in the best spot acoustically, but not necessarily aesthetically.

Enter the Danish engineers at Lyngdorf who have created the most advanced and user-friendly room correction system on the market. More than twenty years of research have gone into this stylish integrated stereo amplifier that identifies the characteristics of your speakers and the influences of your room, and then takes the room out of the equation. With built-in RoomPerfect™ room correction, you hear exactly what the music is supposed to sound like, not the way your room makes the speakers make it sound.

This award-winning amplifier is the audiophile’s friend. A fully digital component, the TDAI-2170 has flexible upgrade modules that use the RoomPerfect™ technology. It is easy to set up and use, and enhances all speaker systems.

Good News for Design Enthusiasts

“I like it because with RoomPerfect™ you can place the speakers where they look best, not necessarily where they sound best,” says AVD president Brad Smith. “That’s why interior designers and architects should like it, too. And the sound is shockingly good.”

No more worrying about minimalistic spaces with echoes or rooms with a lot of upholstery absorbing too much sound. Applying RoomPerfect™ calibration allows homeowners and designers to position speakers in a way that best reflects the style of a room.

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AVD Honored with 2016 BRICC Award


Audio Video Design was recognized for professional excellence with a Silver BRICC Award by the Home Builders and Remodelers Association on Cape Cod. A fully integrated and automated house in Chatham earned the award for Excellence in Smart Home Technology.

The BRICC Awards recognize the finest projects and outstanding achievements of builders, architects, designers, sales and marketing professionals, subcontractors and home technology contractors in the home building industry on Cape Cod.

“We are delighted to have received this BRICC Award from the Home Builders and Remodelers Association on Cape Cod. In this business it is always a team that earns the honors. No one person can do this by himself. I thank my team here at Audio Video Design for their conscientious attention to detail and dedication to customer satisfaction,” said AVD President Brad Smith.


Create the Ultimate Sound in Any Space


Creating a perfect sound system for a home or office can seem like significant task for audiophiles at any level of expertise. Experts enjoy the challenge of assembling a system from scratch and balancing its many components, while beginners can be bewildered by the range and type of audio equipment available. The following overview of some of the most popular new high-tech sound equipment can help both advanced users and new initiates understand what options are available.

  • Bluetooth speakers: Connecting your sound system to your speakers has long involved a sometimes complex and messy array of wires. Bluetooth speakers give you the option of wireless connections that eliminate the need for wires while still providing excellent sound. Lower-quality speakers may sacrifice some sound quality for the convenience of wireless operation, but higher-quality, higher-priced models will deliver sound that is equivalent to a high-end wired speaker system.
  • AirPlay Speakers: AirPlay-enabled speakers offer another wireless option for home sound systems. These speakers use your home Wi-Fi network to stream music and video to Apple devices without a loss of quality. An AirPlay setup provides generally higher quality sound than Bluetooth, but tends to interfere with network performance if being used at the same time as other network tasks.
  • Soundbars: Soundbars provide a modern shape for speaker systems, usually a long, narrow, bar-shaped speaker set up. They contain several drivers and an amplifier that makes them excellent as upgrades to TV speakers or as stand-along speakers for a typical sound system. Since soundbars are smaller than many other speaker types, they can be used in situations in which larger speakers may be impractical.
  • Passive speakers: These are the standard wired speakers that are common in many sound systems. They require a receiver to generate the power that provides the sound, but they can achieve excellent quality for a reasonable price.

Beginner or expert, Audio Video Design can help you choose the right sound system and equipment for your home or office. Contact us today for more information on the audio technology and components that will make your sound system work best for you.

Flat Panel TV vs. Projector


When setting up the display system for a home theater, many video enthusiasts face the choice of using a flat panel TV or a projector. Here is a brief overview of flat panel TVs and projectors that can help you understand their differences, advantages, and disadvantages.

  • Image size and resolution: A high-definition television has a constant image resolution and size that cannot be changed. Images from projectors can be adjusted to a degree by varying the distance between the projector and the screen.
  • Image quality: You can count on the image quality in a flat panel TV to stay consistent. The image from a projector can be affected by the brightness of the light source for projection. If there are problems with the video, they will likely be more noticeable in the larger projection image.
  • Space considerations: A flat-panel TV, though much smaller than previous generations of tube-based television sets, will still take up a significant amount of space in any room. Projectors are often mounted on the ceiling or in an out-of-the-way spot where they aren’t obtrusive. Screens for projectors can be rolled up and put away. In cases where the wall of the room is used as the screen, the only space needs are for the projector itself.
  • Convenience: Once your flat panel TV is set up, you usually don’t have to do much else to it. Projection systems that use portable screens will need to have the screen set up and taken down each time its used. Image adjustments may also require physically detaching, moving, and resecuring the projector.
  • Operating costs and lifespan: You can expect to pay for your flat panel TV once and get around 60,000 hours of use out of it. Projector bulbs can burn out frequently, requiring the investment of hundreds of dollars and the aggravation of changing bulbs.

AVD Wins 2016 PRISM Award


Recognized for Residential Construction Industry Excellence

Audio Video Design was recognized for professional excellence with a coveted Gold PRISM Award on October 6th, 2016.

Hosted by the Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston (BRAGB), the PRISM Awards recognize the finest projects and outstanding achievements of builders, developers, project owners, architects, land planners, marketing/advertising firms, interior designers, remodelers, and home technology contractors in the home building industry.

Audio Video Design won a GOLD PRISM in the category Best Use of Smart Home Technology and was recognized as a trailblazer in their field. This year’s PRISM Awards Gala presented awards in nearly 80 different categories to honor the accomplishments of those who influence the building and design industry in Greater Boston.

“We are delighted to have received a Gold PRISM Award from the Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston. In this business it is always a team that earns the honors. No one person can do this by himself. I thank my team here at Audio Video Design for their conscientious attention to detail and dedication to customer satisfaction,” said Audio Video Design President Brad Smith. “We are grateful to interior designer Vani Sayeed, our industry partner, for introducing us to the client. We enjoyed working with them to bring their smart home to life and enhance the way they live in their home.”

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